CFA Level I Exam Preparation
New program format
From now on, wherever you are, you can attend with us CFA Level I exam preparation ONLINE. We are working on Cisco Webex platform that delivers outstanding quality connection, interaction and many options that provide interactivity and dynamics. During the online course, you participate in lecture, you have possibility to ask questions, give answers and discuss as well as it is done during traditional classes.
Exam preparation takes place every Saturday with 3 hour duration, and in April,preparation work is more intense and takes place twice a week. The total fund of lectures is 26 and the period of 6 months.
About CFA exams
CFA exams are not only the tests of knowledge but the tests of endurance, commitment, creativity and strong will as well. They are very rigorous and designed to demand absolute commitment of candidates.
CFA® program consists of 3 levels/exams. All three are based on self-study model which is, without doubt, the most difficult approach. Volume of information and material that should be processed is really extensive which can burden you and lead to burn-out, counting all other obligations you have. Benefit of taking the CFA Level I Exam Preparation is indeed the fact that it takes you through the preparation with adequate distribution of material and it maintains the motivation keeping the focus on learning and efficient time management. Conducting regularly testing, we discover material that is difficult for you and invest additional energy jointly to overcome it.
For more information regarding CFA® Program visit:
When I applied a year ago for CFA Level I Exam Preparation for June 2014, I had a doubt regarding the time needed for its preparation; whether I should prepare it on my own; is this course offered by Valor EDU value for money. When I look back from this distance, I’m glad I decided to take it because it halved the time needed for exam preparation in the least. Due to really well designed program, extraordinary commitment of lecturers and all employees, regular testing with feedback on the points for improvement, I was very well prepared for what was expecting me on the day of exam. Last but not the least, thanks to this course I have met great people with whom I keep the contact still. Believe me, in June 2015, when you receive results of the exam, you will regret neither money nor energy invested in your own improvement!
Mihajlo Lapčević Credit Risk Analyst
Hypo-Alpe-Adria Bank Beograd
Snezana Nesic
Valor Academy
A: Maglajska 24, Belgrade, Serbia
T: +381 (0) 11 3282 080