
Current topics


Be proactive and build positive attitude regarding your specialization using specially designed topics presented by our experts from the region. Current topics follow contemporary market trends and bring the answer concerning business challenges, reminding you that personal improvement and development are the life-long process.

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Professional Certificates

Profesionalni sertifikati

The course „CFA Level I Exam Preparation” demonstrates clearly that we recognize investment in knowledge and great, global role that this program plays in the area of finance and portfolio management.


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Continuing education

Sistemska edukacija

Continuing education represents constant investment in both knowledge and competences of employees and improvement of the very institution. Beside the development of knowledge and skills that increases individual value of participants, continuing education increases institutional value as well, aiming to integrate those values in corporate entity.

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Business simulation

Business simulation

Our business simulations provide work environment that support strong employee development. Employees make business decisions by using an interactive panel and they are able to see immediate results through simulation of business reality.

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Current Topics for 2016.

Seminars are designed for financial and corporate sector and address financial, banking and legal topics, in the formats of one or two working days.

Continuing education

Programs are held in the duration of 6 to 9 months and are designed for financial and corporate sector. They are completely adjusted to the needs of each client individually. Continuing education represents comprehensive approach to various topics that cover specific area of interest. The aim of this training is to improve individual value of participants in the context of knowledge and understanding of processes and to integrate them in unique entity. This way the whole system, whether it is a bank or enterprise, achieves high operability and efficiency.

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AddressStr. Maglajska 24, 11000 Belgrade Phone+381 11 3282 080
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